Overture Petg Cura Profile - Ender 3 v2(cura) overture Petg interesting extrusion at retraction Gbi Login Alison Parker Adam Ward Shooting Video Escambia County Jail Brewton Alabama
Ender 3 v2(cura) overture Petg interesting extrusion at retraction
This is my cura profile for overture petg, i have achieved success with these settings on my sovol sv01. the corner bracket shown was printed directly I added profiles for cura 5. 0 (the same as before, i just ex I made some cura profiles you can use for every fff and fdm 3d printer!update 14/08/2025: Aug 29, 2025ย ยท here comes cura 5. 9 and in this stable release we have lots of material and printer profiles for ultimaker printers, including the newly released sketch sprint.